Oct. 22, 2003
(U-WIRE) AMES, Iowa - More and more Iowa State University students are opting for the luxury of quick transportation, sheltering them from exercise as well as Mother Nature.
The area's bus system, CyRide, transports 4.5 million ISU passengers a year, said CyRide director Bob Bourne.
Many ISU students are choosing CyRide instead of walking to class because "they already pay for it in their tuition," he said.
However, when students choose to ride the bus over walking, they may be cutting out benefits for their bodies.
"Walking one mile burns 100 calories no matter what pace," said Deb Atkinson, a lecturer in health and human performance at Iowa State.
Missing out on lower to moderate activity can be a contributing factor to obesity, she said.
"Walking a moderate pace can lower your blood pressure, cholesterol level, and you utilize your large muscles in the legs," Atkinson said.
- KILEY CULLEN Iowa State Daily