The General Assembly, AU's student government legislature, met Saturday and Sunday to discuss the Student Confederation budget for the 2003-2004 year.
GA members conducted hearings with the respective SC departments on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. in the Mary Graydon Center. Each department was asked to turn in a proposed budget and explain their spending for the new year.
GA Speaker Zachary Constantino oversaw the hearings on Saturday and the discussion on Sunday. The GA will complete preliminary discussions by Monday, Constantino said, and will have a completed budget by Wednesday.
Constantino said the Wednesday release day allows for the departments to appeal their allocation.
SC Comptroller Scott Rosen served as the SC Executives' representative to the hearings. Rosen said that the process was running more smoothly than previous years.
Funding allocated in the budget will allow for programs such as Eagle Nights and SUB to provide programming, and will fund policy organizations including the Student Advocacy Center. All funds are distributed from the Student Activity Fee, which is collected from students at the start of each semester.