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Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024
The Eagle

Abortion is a woman's issue

RE: Tim Meyer's article "Abortion is an Issue for Men and Women"

Apparently, here at AU, chauvinism is alive and well. This concept and practice many believe to have faded away with suffrage and the other women's liberation movements has had little effect on some members of our student body. Tim Meyer writes in his article, "Abortion is an Issue for Men and Women" that abortion is not a woman's issue, that instead it is a one belonging to men. His conclusions regarding abortion are sadly skewed and misinformed. Additonally, his reality of happy couples freeing themselves from the "sins" of abortion is horribly misguided. Mr. Meyer forgets to reflect upon the idea that in fact rapists can impregnate their victims. Abused wives can be coerced in the carrying a child they know will live a life of fear and violence at the hands of her controlling husband. Some women in fact can jeoprodize their health through pregnancy. These are circumstances not easily answered with Mr. Meyer's romantic notions of stable couples with strong men to take care of their women! Mr. Meyer and many of his pro-life allies need to understand that today women are more independent and are in fact capable of making rational decisions regarding reproduction. To assume that a woman's perception of what is appropriate for her body is insufficient is reminscient of an antiquated romantic paternalism that even the highest courts have spoken out against. Men do have a role in this debate of abortion yet, Mr. Meyer no matter what your lenghty reasoning may be, it ultimately remains a woman's issue.

Section 202 hosts Connor Sturniolo and Gabrielle McNamee are joined by fellow Eagle staff member and phenomenal sports photographer, Josh Markowitz. Follow along as they discuss the United Football League and the benefits it provides for the world of professional football.

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