Thumbs Up
AU Students on the Campaign Trail ... Many past and present AU students have been seen at the conventions of both major parties, as well as various other spots on the campaign trail. Presidential elections are always a great chance to turn your political views into actions, and it's great to see so many AU students taking that opportunity.
Capitol Steps Attendance ... This year's Capitol Steps show was attended by an unusually large group of students. On a campus that typically lacks any semblance of unity, it's promising to see so many students show up for an on-campus activity
Zipcars Available on Campus ... Getting around just got easier for AU students, thanks to Zipcar. These cars will be available at the Nebraska Lot and at Tenley Campus, for hourly rental at a reasonable price. For price and convenience, it beats any other way to get around, short of photoshopping your own parking pass.
Thumbs Down
Poor student-teacher ratio ranking ... For all the progress AU has made in the U.S. News & World Report rankings, we are still the lowest District school in terms of classes with less than 20 students. Only 38% of our classes are smaller than 20 students, compared to 58% for Georgetown. A more favorable student-teacher ratio is crucial for a more enriching class experience.
Fire alarms on South Side ... The semester has had an auspicious start for campus-dwellers living in the Letts-Anderson-Centennial complex. Just days into the start of classes, there have already been six fire alarms, including one at 4 a.m. For the good of your building cohabitants, please keep your eye on the next bag of late-night popcorn you make.