More than 200 runners attended AU's third annual American Classic 5K, which took place Saturday morning in the neighborhood behind AU.
"We haven't sat down and figured out the final count yet for the amount of money we raised," said Stephanie Frankfurt, Habitat for Humanity president and co-chair of the 5K.
However, each runner had to pay a $15 fee, according to Frankfurt, so at least $3,000 was raised. Team Running Heads also raised money through advertisements from student groups that paid $200 per ad. Expenses for the race included $6,000 paid to the Metropolitan Police Department.
"I am so excited with how things went with the race," Frankfurt said. "Everything went smoothly and on time."
The winning time was 17 minutes and two seconds, Frankfurt said. Rich Harris, a D.C. resident, came in first place.
"I definitely plan to run in the 5K next year," said Daphne St. Surin, sophomore and race participant. "Unfortunately, I didn't win any prizes but I still had a lot of fun."
Kelly Kirkwood, sophomore, agreed with St. Surin.
"The race was a lot of fun," Kirkwood said. "It was cold and the course had a lot of hills, but my friends and I are tough runners, so we handled it well."
On Nov. 9, in the Hughes Formal Lounge, there will be a meeting to organize a planning committee for next year's 5K. There have been no complaints about the race, Frankfurt said.