Top 10 ways to spend your time now that you won't be watching games 5-7 of the World Series
10. Study for the midterm you missed on Tuesday in favor of Game 3. E-mail your professor asking her to grant you a makeup exam. Upon her reply, realize that she wasn't in class either.
9. Decrease your Fox viewing habits from 20 hours to 30 minutes a week.
8. Listen to all your missed voicemails from family and friends. Call them back to confirm you have neither been kidnapped nor have run off and eloped with a Yankees fan.
7. Tackle the mountain of laundry on your bed. When that loses its fun, actually put it in the wash. 6.. Sell all of your "Slam-a-lam-a DING DONG!" merchandise on eBay.
5. Ask your token hockey-fan friend how the Blues are doing this year.
4. Befriend Bill Buckner, making Steve Bartman an even more lonely man.
3. Spend the days mastering the whole Daylight Savings Time concept. Then set your clock an hour forward on Saturday night. Wake up 2 hours late for that makeup midterm.
2. Debate with friends whether Sam Adams or Budweiser is better. Watch discourse end quicker than the World Series. Then spend years trying to name a good beer from New York City.
1. Watch football.