Bender Library announced the winners of its iPod contest in a drawing on Monday by University librarian Patricia Wand.
Amy Shaw won the grand prize of an iPod and accessories, and Josh Robbins won first prize of an iPod. Six additional students won USB pen drivers.
Julie Darnell, library development coordinator, thought the contest was successful.
"Close to 1,300 people attended library instruction courses or made research appointments with reference librarians, which made them eligible for entry into the contest," Darnell said.
Wand was also pleased.
"Student responsiveness to this contest was remarkable," Wand said, comparing reference instruction statistics from September 2003 with September 2004.
The library staff said it hopes to have another contest in the spring.
"Many people have been asking us how we're going to top our iPod contest," Darnell said.
The contest was open to graduate and undergraduate students; library employees were not allowed to participate.