Dear Editor:
I fly high above your heads and watch your lives unfold. I am there to share your gatherings in front of Mary Graydon on a sunny day and watch you hide from the harsh D.C. climate. I represent everything that you pursue and strive for in your collegiate endeavors.
As I watched the smoke rise from the Pentagon on Sept. 11, I stood tall and proud. As Hurricane Isabel raged and mud splattered my quad, I stood strong and weathered the storm. I watch with delight as you practice your democratic rights to speak your mind with tables, demonstrations and greek traditions. I represent the sacrifice that allowed you those rights and the hope that those rights bring.
Now I wave in the main quad with my colors faded and ends tattered and torn, and I feel utterly neglected. With the great forces in our country clashing creates a time when we need a visual reminder of our values, integrity and, most of all, unity. I am the flag in your main quad, and I am beaten and torn by time and neglect. Please fix me, make me whole and beautiful, so I can fly with pride and dignity above your heads once more.
Please bring attention to the tattered state of the flag in the main quad so something can be done. I've tried calling and talking to Public Safety and grounds crews, but they don't seem to care.
Chad Smith Senior, Kogod