Dear Editor:
The following quote from Lindsey Sarowitz appeared on the front page of the Nov. 4 edition of your newspaper: "You know what? Crying about it isn't going to change the president. We're all here, and Bush has been the president for the past four years." No, Lindsey. We are NOT all here. More than one thousand soldiers will not be coming home this Christmas because they are no longer alive.
When I go home on weekends, I do not get to see high-school classmates who are now in Iraq, not HERE. You're right, those of us who supported John Kerry ARE crying. But not for the lost chance to fulfill our own political goals. We are crying for the thousands of innocent lives that have been lost in the last four years and the promise that there is now no end in sight.
Next time you choose to comment on the political situation of the country, you might try being a bit more sensitive. My fellow democrats and I will try to do the same when we take power again in 2008.
Serena Parcell Sophomore, SIS