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Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2024
The Eagle

Out of Context

Where anecdotes go to die

"I'm not as jaded as Susan Sarandon. I think she overstates the ability of people to do ... evil."

- the Shins frontman James Mercer on the election and how the actress believes it was rigged


During the umpteenth South Side fire alarm at midnight Friday, somebody climbed to the top of the Bender parking garage and yelled the first line of "Circle of Life" from "The Lion King." At the familiar cry of "NAAAAANTS ingonyama," the loyal creatures of the campus jungle gathered in the parking lot below to witness the presentation of a lion cub that never came.


Bottoms up? America's growing waistlines are pushing airlines to burn more fuel, causing a rise in the cost of flights, according to a new government study reported by the Associated Press. Through the 1990s, the average weight of an American increased 10 lbs, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The added fat means more fuel is burned, around $275 million worth of it to burn 350 million more gallons in 2000. So really, when you think about it, obesity is the root cause of global warming. And here we thought it was Al Gore.


After a rather low day, one Scene staffer was partaking in the delectable array of bizarre meat-versus-potato options when she was bleated at by a member of the TDR staff. For the record, to "bleat" is to utter a noise typically heard from a goat. TDR is AU's diamond in the rough -what other college dining rooms feature not only the R&B jams we're all accustomed to, but also a staff fully equipped to intuitively deliver animal noises when needed? A bad day was entirely curbed by a single goat-noise, so let's just applaud the neverending power that TDR can have on our well-being.


"Crossfire" co-host Tucker Carlson was left wandering Reagan National Airport on Wednesday evening, after his hired limo driver left him stranded. The driver was stationed near baggage claim, holding his little white board with Tucker's name scrawled across it. After nearly 20 minutes, the driver was overheard calling the dispatcher to report he was leaving sans passenger. Within a few seconds, the bowtie-clad TV personality came downstairs with no driver to greet him. We could call him Tucker No "Car"lson. Sucker.


Wearing pajamas in class has always been seen as an inherently "college" thing to do. What better way to convey that you just woke up than by wearing cotton Care Bear pants? But this must stop. It's not funny, it's not ironic and it's not cute. Under-compensating for class won't hide the fact that you overcompensate on Friday night.


At last night's Interpol show at the 9:30 club, Karl Marx was proven wrong as hip-swaying indie rock was determined to be the opiate of the masses. But with their mounting popularity, Interpol and opening band Secret Machines seemed to attract the world's biggest ad-wizards as a crowd. Up in the balcony above the stage, 6-feet-tall brohams in Haverford College sweatshirts stood directly in front of the helplessly short female Eagle staff in attendance. Also in attendance was the ubiquitous "making out couple," "brooding hipster with a pack of cloves blowing smoke in everyone's faces," and the drunk guy who accuses everyone of stealing his beer when he's finished drinking it. If anything, this has prompted a "Rules for Rock Shows" feature. Look for it in an upcoming issue.


Section 202 hosts Connor Sturniolo and Gabrielle McNamee are joined by fellow Eagle staff member and phenomenal sports photographer, Josh Markowitz. Follow along as they discuss the United Football League and the benefits it provides for the world of professional football.

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