Saturday, Oct. 30
A forcible entry was reported in the lower level of Anderson. A report was prepared, and MPD investigated.
Sunday, Oct. 31
A hospital transport was required from the Tenleytown Metro stop to Sibley Hospital.
A fire alarm was reported in Kay Spiritual Life Center due to human error, such as cooking. No smoke or fire was reported, and the system was reset.
Monday, Nov. 1
Medical assistance was required in the Letts-Anderson Quad. No transports were necessary, but a Bethesda-Chevy Chase ambulance squad investigated.
A fire alarm due to malicious cause was reported in Anderson Hall. No fire or smoke was reported, and the system was reset.
A theft of university property was reported inside Butler Pavilion.
A bicycle was reported stolen outside of Hurst Hall.
A fire alarm was reported in Hurst Hall. No fire or smoke was reported, and the system was reset.
Tuesday, Nov. 2
An instance of credit card fraud was reported inside Letts Hall.
Defacing of property was reported in Letts Hall. Graffiti was reported, and Aramark cleaning crews were requested to remove it.
A theft was reported inside Bender Library.
A bicycle theft was reported outside Bender Library.
Wednesday, Nov. 3
An alcohol violation was reported outside the Asbury Building. The individual violated underage possession and consumption laws.
An assault was reported in the Letts-Anderson Quad. No charges were pressed.
A hospital transport was required to take an individual from Anderson Hall to Sibley Hospital.