Comedians to take on Mideast conflict
"One Muslim, One Jew, One Stage," a comedy performance, will take place Monday at 8:30 p.m. in the Kay Spiritual Life Center.
Speakers include comedian and Rabbi Bob Alper, and Ahmed Ahmed, a comedian who has previously done standup work and appeared on MTV's "Punk'd" with Ashton Kutcher and "Fahrenheit 9-11," and will appear in an upcoming movie based on The Onion, the satirical Web site.
The Jewish Student Association, Muslim Student Association, AU Students for Israel, Hillel, the Kennedy Political Union and the Student Confederation are sponsoring the event.
The purpose of the event is to continue to foster the environment of understanding and tolerance between faiths, according to JSA Chair Leah Kreimer.
"I am very excited about the event. I think it should be wonderful," Kreimer said. "Something like this is unprecedented and will really set the stage for future events."
Apartment robbed at Park Bethesda
Expensive electronic equipment and personal belongings were stolen from an apartment in Park Bethesda between Nov. 24 and 26. The owner discovered the robbery after Thanksgiving break.
"It seems to be a fairly isolated incident," said Greg Gadren, resident manager of Park Bethesda.
A campus crime alert posted in the building said that the robber most likely forced entry and exited through a window.
Some students saw the robbery as a security failure.
"Yet another example of Housing and Dining failing to provide the services promised, such as security and transportation," said Peter Brusoe, a graduate student.
Elisabeth Shoop, a junior in the School of International Service, said she didn't think that such a robbery would happen at Park Bethesda.
"I'm surprised. I would expect [this] in a dorm but I really thought the people here were more mature."
The Montgomery County Police Department could not be reached for comment on the investigation at press time.