Thumbs Up
New laundry service on campus ... Sure, it's a bit expensive, but who doesn't like having the option of paying someone else to do the mundane chores you hate?
D.C.'s winter wonderland ... The snowfalls of the past week have given students a chance to partake in everyone's favorite winter sport: TDR-tray sledding. Ice-skating and skiing are also great ways to take advantage of the snowfall.
SHARE and South Asian Student Association raise money for tsunami v ictims ... That so many people are helping those in need in Southeast Asia is just another testament to the giving spirit that's characteristic of some AU students.
Tom Wolfe's book "I Am Charlotte Simmons" ... Wolfe's controversial book has opened up a debate about college life. Wolfe debated whether college life is too mired in sex and vulgarity, and whether student-athletes get too much preferential treatment.
Thumbs Down
AU not canceling classes last Wednesday ... As dangerous as the roads were in Wednesday's snowstorm, administration absolutely should have cancelled classes for the day. Many students reported dangerous road conditions that caused sliding as they slowly made their way to campus. AU should not have put students in that position.
D.C.'s reaction to the storms ... Every time the weatherman so much as threatens snow, Washington goes into a tizzy of concern about the condition of local roads. One would think that D.C. would actually address the problem by getting more manpower and snowplows to clear the city quicker. Somehow, though, we go through the same thing with every storm.
Babe's closing and Krupin's Deli changing ... The popular Wisconsin Avenue hangout and nearby deli are both gone, replaced by condominiums and a new deli. That's one less place to play pool and consume cheap food and beer, and one less place to have great deli sandwiches and matsoball soup. Sigh...
Shuttle closing on Saturday ... Okay, this probably belongs under D.C.'s utter lack of preparation for the weather, but we felt it deserves its own shaming. In weather that made it nearly impossible for people to walk to the Metro stop, students had no other way to get out of campus besides tightening their scarves and braving the conditions.