AU is leading a team to design an American-style university in China, the first ever of its kind, in collaboration with the Coordinating Council for International Universities.
"By having an American-style university on their own soil, Chinese education officials hope to provide the benefits of an American education to more students at far less cost than it would take to send them abroad for training," said Dr. Robert Pastor, vice president of International Affairs at AU.
The Chinese university would be similar to the American Universities in Sharjah and Nigeria, both of which are independent and have their own administrations and boards of trustees. AU would provide administrative advice on a contract basis.
According to an AU press release, programs being considered include arts and sciences, business management and international affairs. The courses would be taught in English, from a global perspective, focusing on strengthening China's role in the world economy. AU will propose reaching an enrollment of 10,000 students, both graduate and undergraduate, within the next 10 years.
Members of the China University Project Team include Kay Mussell, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences; Douglas Kudravetz, assistant vice president of finance; Mark Huey, assistant to university President Ben Ladner; and Youli Sun, director of Study Abroad in Beijing.