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Monday, Sept. 23, 2024
The Eagle

Dorm decorating on the cheap

Being a poor college student is no excuse for having a boring dorm room. Here are some quick and easy ideas to make any room a little more colorful and a little more like home.

Magazine collages: Cut up those old issues of Cosmo, Vogue, or Sports Illustrated and tape up favorite photos and witty headlines on those drab wooden closet doors.

Christmas lights: An easy way to add softer light than those florescent overheads can provide. Also, they won't catch on fire like a t-shirt draped over one of those multicolored lamps from Bed, Bath & Beyond (freshmen be warned: this has actually happened).

Calendars: A $10 calendar yields 12 easy posters, and there's an unlimited variety to choose from. Find one even the new roommate can love. Check out for more ideas.

Milk crates: Need more storage? Spray paint ugly milk crates with bright colors for an affordable (and stackable) solution. Need 'em quick? The Container Store in Tenleytown sells "authentic dairy crates" in five colors for $9.99 a pop.

Photos: An easy way to remember everyone from home, or celebrate the new friends you've made at college. Get a one-use camera and take photos of people on the floor doing crazy things. Make sure to get doubles! Display them on a snazzy memory board, or make one yourself.

Postcards: Send out the new address and have everyone from home send postcards from wherever they went to college and whenever they go on vacation. Use them as ideas for where to go for spring break!

Wall calendar: For the organizationally challenged and super-busy, find the largest white board calendar possible. It'll fill up wall space and help get those papers in on time.

Maps: Usually cheaper than posters, giant maps generally come in pretty pastel colors. Get a modified one with Australia on top to start conversation.

Coloring Books: Have friends choose pages to color, and then hang them around the room. A bit childish, but it's amazing what some people come up with.

Sarongs: Though they're basically glorified sheets, these are probably the easiest way to cover up a lot of wall for little money - not to mention those pesky ceiling tiles.

Chalkboards: Break from the dorm door white board trend by going' old school. Stick a pack of chalk outside, or hang a board inside and have visitors doodle or leave messages. Plus, it's cheaper to replace chalk than the constantly disappearing white board markers. Poster board works, too; once it's full, hang new sheets. The fun never ends!

Old T-shirts: The very creative (or those with access to sewing machines) can make new curtains out of old t-shirts. Say goodbye to gray.

Potted plants or fresh flowers: Like Mom always said, taking care of a plant is a good way to gauge responsibility. It's also a classy and simple way to add color and personality to a room. Plus, it'll help mask the odor of the dirty laundry piling up. Aside from the Tenleytown Whole Foods, check out Johnson's Flower and Garden Center on Van Ness, right next to the Greenberg Theater.

Posters: Despite the ritualistic arrival of fall poster sales on campus this week, if you must buy posters, do so from They'll rob you less than anywhere else, and have a pretty large selection.

Section 202 hosts Connor Sturniolo and Gabrielle McNamee are joined by fellow Eagle staff member and phenomenal sports photographer, Josh Markowitz. Follow along as they discuss the United Football League and the benefits it provides for the world of professional football.

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