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Monday, Sept. 23, 2024
The Eagle

Out of context

"Even if Hurricane Rita destroys Texas - let's say it takes out Oklahoma, too - it still won't end pork politics in Congress."

- A School of Public Affairs professor discussing Hurricane Rita's potential effects.

An impressionable young girl and her mother were seen walking through the amphitheater Wednesday afternoon, serenaded by a blasting boom box on the stage. It sang out "Let's get retarded! Let's get retarded in here!" The child, visibly horrified by the Black Eyed Peas' suggestion, told her mother "That's a bad word." __

In the race to see if South side could beat last year's number of fire alarms, we here at The Eagle apologize for calling the race too early in last issue's "All Thumbs." After three weeks of relative calm on South side, consecutive early morning fire alarms left students crabby and actually in need of the multitude of coffee shops on campus. Was this a ruse to kick off the opening week of the Mud Box? __

An Eagle staffer was attempting to relieve herself when the girl in the next stall busted out singing Whitney Houston's classic "I Will Always Love You." The staffer reports the girl's voice was actually quite good, and that it made her bathroom break a much more enjoyable experience. The Eagle offers a round of applause for the mysterious singer. __

CNN has been able to apply astounding alliteration as of late. "Killer Katrina," "Hurricane Headquarters," "Terrible Tornados" and "Invading Iraqi Insurgents." What's next? "Ridiculously Righteous Rita rocks Roy Rogers restaurant?" While pondering this, check out The Scene's representation on's back-to-school Campus Vibe style blog, located at http://www.cnn. com/SPECIALS/2005/

"Really, I mean, the war in Iraq is eventually going to end, my car insurance payments aren't," said a concerned young lady, hanging out on the quadrangle Wednesday night. Maybe she had just seen anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan speak, or maybe she had just received her online car insurance bill. Maybe both. And adults call college kids irresponsible.

-Compiled by The Scene Staff

Out of Context runs every Thursday.

Section 202 hosts Connor Sturniolo and Gabrielle McNamee are joined by fellow Eagle staff member and phenomenal sports photographer, Josh Markowitz. Follow along as they discuss the United Football League and the benefits it provides for the world of professional football.

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