Considering itself a "premier global university," AU never misses a chance to pat itself on the back for its high international enrollment.
This year, however, the university has seen a drop in the number of students coming from overseas. There are 331 foreign students this year, as opposed to 369 last year.
School officials cite a combonation of factors, from increased competition for students, to lack of financial aid for those coming from abroad. They intend to target specific areas of the world, as well as use international alumni in the hopes of raising the numbers again.
We feel the drop in international representation is something that has been noticed for a while. Many students come with the impression they will be entering something like aUN, Jr. type of campus, only to find everyone seems to be from New Jersey.
AU should put its money where its mouth is and attempt to provide additional scholarships for foreign students. Not everyone that is a foreign national on campus has money; most are here through the Honor's Program.
An investment by the university would encourage more students to cross the ocean, as well as enrich the lives of all students through interaction with other cultures.