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Breastival... Students threw darts at balloon boobs, and "pinned the boob" on Clawed-ette. The Women's Initiative gets our congratulations on a good event.
AIDS Walk... Congrats to the AU team who raised enough money to come in 48th out of nearly 3,000 teams. Way to go!
Hispanic Heritage Month... It has arrived, and we look forward to hearing about Hispanic culture, and experiencing more of what AU has to offer in its diversity.
Thumbs down
Travel Costs ... While fall break may be soothing, the price of fleeing D.C. likely won't be. Planes, trains, automobiles, they all will cost you more this year.
Power Outages... Those of you that did not get the memo were likely caught off guard. Hopefully you were not on an elevator, but do not fret, the lights are on to stay.
Tenley Liquor Runs Dry... Nothing is worse than having the beer run out at the party and the store. That's what happened in Tenley this weekend. Hence all the sober people walking around. Yeah, right!