Disney princess costumes are wildly popular among young girls at Halloween, but with the exception of the three classic princesses (Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, and Snow White) created before the 1980s, the rest of the Disney women are eligible for a reality check. Are our cartoon role models actually classy and deserving of icon status? Are they more in line with Anna Nicole Smith or Grace Kelly?
Ariel: For a 15-year-old, Ariel seems to be taking her fashion cues from her father King Triton instead of her six older sisters. Ariel's seashell bra is lacking in style and fashion and classifies this princess as trashy.
Belle: This Disney heroine is definitely not trashy. Her plain blue frock is long and complements her ... well, her lines. Belle is a no-nonsense lady with no-nonsense taste.
Jasmine: Princess Jasmine fell in love with her street rat, but also fell victim to bad taste. This princess is savvy, smart and obviously beautiful, but her Arabian nights outfit doesn't showcase those assets. Jasmine needs a whole new wardrobe to start her whole new world with Aladdin.
Nala: One word: Grrrrrr. Nala held her own against the Lion King and proved she's a force to be reckoned with in the jungle. For a tigress, Nala has a classy style all her own.
Mulan: This legendry warrior gets points for wearing traditional garb to fight in her father's place. Even better is the fact she gets the guy in the end. Mulan gets style points for being true to her heart.