In the aftermath of September's devastating earthquake in Pakistan, eight doctors and nurses from the George Washington University Hospital traveled to lend their medical expertise to injured victims Oct. 14, according to The Hatchet, GW's student newspaper.
The volunteer team of medical professionals, dubbed Operation Heart Beat, traveled to Garhi Dopatta in Pakistani-controlled Kashmir to set up a hospital to aid the wounded.
A total of 25 doctors and nurses from Boston, New Hampshire, California and Nevada joined Najam and other GW medical experts on the weeklong trip. GWU Hospital donated $75,000 worth of medical supplies to the "American Hospital," including medicines, antibiotics, surgical supplies, generators and tents.
GW senior Daniel Lee was the only student to join the mission. Lee, who works as an Intensive Care Unit technician at the GWU Hospital, aided patients in Kashmir by administering intravenous medicines and basic wound care and helping with surgery.