Aged coffee: Coffee that is stored in the green state (before roasting) to create a specific, intense flavor.
Barista: A coffee-making professional.
Cappuccino: A hot drink made from one shot of espresso and one-half steamed milk, one-half foam. A mainstay among people with fashionable tastes.
Americano: A couple of shots of espresso poured into steamed water.
Caf? au Lait: Brewed coffee mixed with equal parts hot milk.
Latte: A shot of espresso or two, mixed with a lot of milk.
Espresso: (from "An Italian-born beverage made by rapidly brewing coffee by forcing steam through the grounds. Prepares one smooth, thick, dark-roasted 'shot' at a time." Wow.
French roast: A degree of roasting coffee beans. Very dark.
Italian roast: Another degree of roasting coffee beans. Very, very dark.