If classrooms full of business suit-clad students are any indicator, AU is not a roll-out-of-bed-and-go-to-class type of institution. In fact, the quad and surrounding buildings are a veritable hotbed of fashion-conscious individuals, showing off everything from classic cardigans to spinning belt buckles. These standout dressers get their duds and their influences from some of the most obvious and some of the most unlikely sources. Regardless, these folks will not get lost in the crowd.
Fashion philosophy: "I don't like to match. I like color and anything a little outlandish." Where she shops: Thrift stores Influences: "Dandies. Though it's not fun to be a dandy in D.C. because you get misrepresented as a Republican." - Viktorya Kravtiz, junior in SIS
Fashion philosophy: "I consider myself to be quite eclectic. My style is a mixture - diva and glam." Influences: Amerie and Jennifer Lopez Where she shops: "I'm tall so I get my jeans at The Gap." - Genika Simon, sophomore in the Kogod School of Business
Fashion philosophy: "I don't really try to match." Wardrobe staples: "I'm all about the tie and the jacket - it's classic." Where he shops: Thrift stores "down south." - Adam Grier. graduate student in School of International Service
Fashion philosophy: "I think all colors go together - even black and brown, which I know is controversial." Wardrobe staples: Cardigans Influences: Fashion magazines like Bazaar - Tania Prizio, sophomore in School of Communication