The seventh season of "South Park" is by far one of the best of the controversial animated show's ongoing run. Its no-holds-barred satire of society, using four fourth grade students and their crazy hometown of South Park, Colorado, hits up everything from illegal music downloading and metrosexuality to protesting/anti-protesting, Native American casinos, Mormons and stem cell research, among other topics.
Season seven includes some of the show's greatest episodes such as "Fat Butt and Pancake Head," where Cartman dresses his hand up as Jennifer Lopez, which itself gains popularity and the love of Ben Affleck by singing the hit song "Taco Flavored Kisses." The episode "Lil Crime Stoppers" has the kids as junior detectives who accidentally get recruited by the real police to stop a drug cartel in an amazing parody of cop dramas on TV and movies. "Christian Rock Hard" has Cartman making a Christian rock record, which takes famous songs and changes words like "you" to "Jesus," to prove to Kyle that he can make a platinum selling record by tricking Christians.
Unfortunately, one episode makes fun of the recently deceased Christopher Reeve. The episode, "Krazy Kripples," has Reeve eating fetuses with stem cells to gain superpowers while two handicapped characters join the Cripps gang thinking it's a club for handicapped people. Although the episode is hilarious, it almost feels bad to be laughing at Reeve's expense.
Another cool aspect of the DVD set is the commentary on every episode, which gives interesting insight into how creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker thought up the ideas for each show. Overall, season seven is one of the best seasons of "South Park" to date. If one is easily offended and somehow hasn't seen the show, one probably won't like it. But if one likes outrageous and fantastic satire and parody, then "South Park" and its seventh season DVD are a must-have.