With the end of the spring rugby season, the AU Men's rugby team will be losing four players to graduation.
Max Kopper, president of the club and starting No. 8, Sven Romberg vice president and starting flanker and Mark Viola starting prop, all forward positions, brought strength, heart, and intensity against every team the Eagles faced.
The only back graduating is Koki Mori, a graduate student who also spent his undergrad career playing for the Men's Rugby Team, starting at fly half in the past spring season.
"After training hundreds of rugby players, Koki is the toughest I have worked with" head coach Chris Rutyna said after the Eagles dropped a hard fought match to George Washington.
The AU men's rugby team has been in a state of building for the past few seasons, doing better then they have in a while. The team will play one last match against a team made up of AU rugby alums this Saturday on the Mass. Ave. field.