Loom "Angler" Sounds like: A schizophrenic violinist chased by an angry mob with flame-throwers - in a bad way.
When I listen to an album for the first time, I hope that there will be something I'm left humming. Loom's "Angler" makes that goal entirely impossible. I'm not even sure that I heard a melody at any point.
Loom must know this, though. They try desperately to keep you interested with swaying violin pieces that don't seem to fit underneath front man Mike Cudnick's unnecessary yelling. I even found myself getting eager any time the album momentarily stopped kicking your face in with heavy guitar, spastic drums and throaty yelling. Sadly, these are very rare instances that are still covered with incompetent yelling. Why does everything have to convey such anger? Are you really that mad?
The best part of this album by far is the fact that it only contains five songs. When the album was finished, I looked at iTunes to see if I was on the second track yet - each song is indistinguishable from the last, which would be fine if the first track was decent.
Loom's valiant effort to create a piece of experimental "art" missed by a long shot.