Recent progress towards a discounted student Metro pass is good news for all D.C. area college students. After years of talk and limited action the idea gained traction when student governments from many area colleges started working together towards this common goal. The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority is also on board as is the AU administration, leaving little in the way of this program's implementation. The final discounts students will receive, as well as the cost to students, are still unknown at the moment.
If this plan comes to fruition, in any form, it will be a boon to AU's commuter students, who sometimes spend hundreds of dollars each year to get to class. This is especially important given the recent housing squeeze at AU. More than half of the freshman class was in forced triples at the beginning of the semester, so a discounted Metro pass would give extra incentive for upperclassmen to move off campus and free up extra rooms in future semesters. Most importantly, it would provide a good alternative to costly parking passes, consequently helping to ease traffic and parking issues around AU property.
Discounted Metro fares also means savings for all students smart enough to take advantage of the program, including those who slog away in un-paid internships. The daily rise in the cost of textbooks, groceries, tuition and gas mean that saving every little bit helps. The bottom line is that cheaper Metro fares will benefit any AU student who utilizes the discount.
The AU Student Government deserves credit for working with both WMATA and other universities to move this issue forward. It would be nice to see more inter-university cooperation in the future, especially when it involves this issue.
It is important that the SG keeps pressing this issue and doesn't let the ball drop now that the plan is closer to becoming a reality. It is also important that students make sure that the SG realizes how important an issue this is. After all, the way to a student's heart - and vote - is through his wallet.