AU will unveil the newest version of its portal Dec. 7 in a soft launch.
Students can opt to use the new portal, called myAU, or continue to use the old portal,, until about February.
MyAU is the next generation portal, according to Francesco de Leo, AU’s director of Web and emerging technology.
This soft launch should mean fewer problems for the actual launch, he said.
The new portal should be more personalized, especially with the creation of “team sites” that were modeled after Google Docs, according to de Leo.
AU is looking for student feedback during this trial period, which can be submitted via the new portal, according to Project Manager Sheri Zimmerman.
Some parts, including the grades section, of myAU will still use the format temporarily, until all the information is moved over.
de Leo said he is looking to integrate Facebook into myAU in the future, but does not have any plans yet.