Each week, The Eagle prints the best and worst of incidents to which the Department of Public Safety responded. Here are a few fan favorites from last semester.
Jan. 22
A complainant was awakened and discovered a male she did not know standing at the foot of her bed in McDowell Hall. The complainant asked, “Who are you?” The suspect gave a first name. The complainant asked, “What are you doing?” The suspect replied, “Don’t worry about it” and left the room. The suspect was later identified and admitted to being under the influence of alcohol at the time.
Jan. 28
An employee noticed candy was taken from a jar that she left on her desk in her office overnight in the Osborn Building. She found mail addressed to another individual on her desk. She gave the mail to her supervisor.
Feb. 14
A hydraulic boom portion of a truck struck a hot water supply pipe. ?The truck was in the process of delivering a dumpster at the MGC service/loading area at 11:45 a.m. ?No injuries were reported. ?
Feb. 19
Public Safety discovered two flowerpots had been overturned outside the Kay Spiritual Center. The pots were not damaged.
March 1
A Bon Appétit employee took a picture of student #1 as student #1 attempted to put bread into his backpack in the Terrace Dining Room. Student #1 grabbed the employee’s forearm and stated something to the following effect: “Why did you take a picture of me? I pay $50,000 a year and $16 a meal. I am entitled to take as much food as I want.” The employee pulled her arm away and notified her supervisor. Reportedly, student #1 has been a recurring issue in the dining room. The supervisor forwarded records of previous incidents to Housing and Dining Staff. No injuries were reported.
March 18
An individual was seen throwing a piece of meat from his sandwich at a Public Safety vehicle occupied by Public Safety personnel at 2:13 a.m. outside McKinley Building. The meat struck a back window.
Four five-gallon jugs of water were reportedly taken from inside Hurst Hall at 3:28 p.m. One identified suspect was seen emptying one jug into a small pool near the Main Quad. An unidentified suspect was seen running with a jug from Hurst Hall toward the Main Quad.
April 7
Four cases of beer were stolen from a Bon Appétit storage area in MGC at 8:58 p.m. A radio was stolen from the terrace level of TDR at 9:48 a.m. ??
On April 7, a former employee walked into his former office and made derogatory remarks toward staff, which was reported at 2:29 p.m. The former employee utilized a phone to make a call. When he was advised he should not use an employee’s phone to make calls, he replied, “This was my office.” The former employee asked if he could take a chair home with him. When he was told he could not take it home, he became angry and stormed out of the office. ?On March 9, the former employee had walked into the stockroom with a box of pizza. When an employee asked if he could share the pizza with him, the former employee took a knife from his pocket and said, “I would cut you if you touch my pizza.”
April 9
The Metropolitan Police Department notified Public Safety of an intoxicated student on Ellicott Street NW. MPD was present when Public Safety arrived. Upon their arrival, the student was talking in a loud voice with slightly slurred speech. The student had mid-length hair, which had been shaved to the skin on the top of his head. The student appeared to be intoxicated. He stated he drank three cups of an unknown beverage at a party but did not remember the location of the party. MPD advised the complainant that someone was on his back in her yard on the grass. The student stated he was looking at the stars. The sky was cloudy. MPD requested a wagon to transport the student to the Detox Center.
April 10
An individual reported 20 students pushing other students in a shopping cart on Massachusetts Avenue. The individual told them to be quiet. The students were rude to her. Public Safety and MPD responded.
April 17
Reportedly, student #1 was sleeping in her room in Anderson Hall. At approximately 3:35 a.m., she woke up when a shower loofah struck her in the chest. She was not injured. Student #2 (student #1’s roommate) and an unidentified male (reportedly a guest of student #2) immediately left the room. At approximately 2 a.m., Public Safety and a resident assistant spoke with student #2. Student #2 identified the male only as a resident student. Reportedly, the roommates have had previous issues.