The AU Honors Program is three years overdue for a program review and staff will be brainstorming new ideas to improve it over the next few months, according to interim Honors Director Michael Manson.
Program reviews ensure that AU faculty and staff are adequately preparing students for success in their fields.
The last review of the Honors Program was conducted in 2001 and, prior to that, in 1993. AU reviews each University department every seven years.
“These program reviews are like research papers,” Manson said. “You’re always trying to improve your paper and make it better in every way possible”
“We’re in the ‘napkin’ stage. Basically we’re asking students, faculty and staff ‘what do you think?’ ”
Any changes made to the Honors program will be to improve the overall program rather than fix a problem, he said.
“I like to compare the Honors program to a smooth running car,” Manson said. “Nothing is broken, it’s just the world of AU is changing.”
A new change in the program that has already gone into effect this year is that Hughes Hall is an Honors hall.
All but 15 Honors freshmen are living in Hughes Hall this semester, according to Manson.
“I’m intrigued by this kind of community and what impact it will have on the students’ education,” Manson said.
Manson will serve as interim director for the Honors Program for the next two years until a suitable candidate is found.
“The search committee haven’t found the right candidate, so I was appointed the job,” Manson said. “We’ll see what comes next.”
Manson previously taught Literature in the College of Arts and Sciences.