The Student Health Center has advised students to take precautions in response to an outbreak of norovirus at George Washington University.
There were about 85 norovirus cases at GWU on Feb. 15, according to The Hatchet.
Director of AU’s Student Health Center Dan Bruey sent out a memorandum to the University community regarding the illness on Feb. 16.
Bruey could not be reached for comment on whether there were cases of norovirus at AU.
Norovirus is a viral infection that causes 50 percent of food borne stomach viruses, according to the memo.
Symptoms of norovirus include nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
The virus is highly contagious and can be transmitted through food, water and by touch.
The virus incubates in 12 to 46 hours, and those who become ill can expect to be sick for two to three days, according to the memo.
In most cases resting and drinking fluids should be enough to get rid of the virus.
The memorandum provided students with tips on how to prevent the spread of the virus, including:
• Wash hands frequently
• Washing fruits and vegetables before eating
• And washing anything that may have been contaminated with the virus as soon as possible.
The Henry the Hand Foundation, an nonprofit that aims to spread information on how to prevent illness, suggests students should wash their hands before eating; avoid coughing and sneezing into their hands; and keep their fingers away from their eyes, nose and mouth.
The Student Health Center sent out a similar warning to students in 2008 in response to an outbreak of norovirus at Georgetown University, The Eagle previously reported. This norovirus outbreak did not affect students at AU.