Location: McDowell and Congressional Residence Halls
Incident: On the evenings of Wednesday April 4 and Friday April 13, malicious burnings occurred in the McDowell and Congressional Halls. Both incidents were subsequently reported to the Department of Public Safety (DPS):
1.) In McDowell Hall on April 4, a leaflet on a community bulletin board was found to have been burnt.
2.) In Congressional Hall on April 13, at approximately 10:30 p.m., a leaflet on a stairwell door was found to have been burnt.
No injuries were reported in these cases. These incidents do not appear to be related. Both incidents are currently being investigated by the Department of Public Safety.
If you have any information regarding either of these two incidents, you are encouraged to contact The Department of Public Safety at (202) 885-3636. You may also speak to Housing and Dining Staff and provide them with any information 202-885-3370
Confidential tips can be made through the DPS webpage at http://www.american.edu/finance/publicsafety/tips.cfm.
Fire Safety Tips
•All occupants are required to evacuate the building immediately when a fire alarm sounds or some other evacuation signal is present.
•Keep calm.
•Use the nearest exit to leave the building.
•Use the stairwell only (hold on to hand rails).
•Do not use elevators.
•Person(s) with disabilities should be assisted to the stairwell landing. Request assistance from DC Fire Department personnel and direct them to the area where the disabled person(s) is waiting.
•Never attempt to travel through smoke-filled or other imminently hazardous areas.
•If you encounter smoke in the stairwells, close the door and use a different exit.
•Do not return to the evacuated building unless you are told to do so by Public Safety or DC Fire Department.