AU Student Government will no longer be distributing bottled water at its events in an effort to be more environmentally friendly.
The bill sponsored by At-Large Senator Adriana Ganci calls for the use of tap water instead of bought water from companies like Deer Park.
“This is sort of a small first step at the University as a whole trying to further its green image and leadership within the D.C. community,” Ganci said.
The bill excludes the use of bottled water when called for by a contract with an outside organization such as if a speaker requests water bottles as part of a contract.
The Senate will host a town hall on April 26 at 8 p.m. to allow students to share their opinions and ask questions about anything SG related.
“It’s basically to let the students have their voices heard,” Class of 2014 Senator Samantha Turetsky said, the sponsor of the bill.
Turetsky said most students do not know they can come to public comment at Senate sessions to ask questions about and comment on what the SG is doing.
Both bills were passed unanimously.