Despite recent rumors, Chef Geoff Tracy is not moving to New York. Tracy, the owner of “Chef Geoff’s” restaurant said he will be staying in D.C.
Tracy is in the process of buying property in Manhattan due to his wife’s recent promotion. Norah O’Donnell, chief White House correspondent for CBS news, was named anchor of “CBS This Morning.” She will now be co-anchoring with Charlie Rose in New York City.
Tracy said he will visit his family in New York but plans to spend most of his time in D.C. He added the only difference between his commutes now is he will be flying more frequently.
Tracy said his new goal is to open four more restaurants in D.C. Although he has not specified where, he wants them to all be built within 10 to 15 miles of the original Chef Geoff’s location on New Mexico Avenue.
Tracy has opened six “Chef Geoff’s” restaurants in the D.C. area since signing his first lease in 2000.
“I’ve gone from nothing to a company with more than 400 employees and more than 20 million in revenue,” he said.
The “Chef Geoff’s” on New Mexico Avenue is a popular attraction for AU students.
“It’s quality food for a cheap price,” said Gilad Harazy, a sophomore in the College of Arts of Sciences, who is a frequent customer.
CAS senior Melanie Yates said she eats at the restaurant because of its demeanor.
“It’s a classier place,” she said.
Tracy said it is unlikely he will open a new restaurant in New York.
“There’s no way that I’m leaving D.C.,” he said.