New sexual assault stickers with blue headers and information for on-the-go students were released by the Wellness Center mid-November.
Information about AU’s Counseling Center and a direct phone line for DC SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner) were not available on outdated posters.
The stickers were replaced in mid-November, according to Daniel Rappaport, AU’s Sexual Assault Prevention Coordinator.
The redesigned stickers have blue headers and a red border compared to the red headers and red borders on previous stickers.
“I think blue is a little less scary than red,” Rappaport said.
The calmer colors and emphasis on the availability of 24/7 resources were meant to make the information more accessible to everyone, Rappaport said.
In the past, the “medical help” section listed 911 as a contact number for the SANE program at Washington Hospital Center. Now, the phone number for the DC SANE Call Center and a description of the free safe ride to the Washington Hospital Center SANE Program are on the stickers.
The AU Counseling Center was added under the “Resource Available 24/7” section. The center can be reached for an emergency by a student after an incident has been reported to Housing and Dining staff or Public Safety.
The Counseling Center is a confidential service, but a resident assistant or resident director must report a situation once they are told about it in an emergency situation.
A QR code, a scannable image leading to a web page, was added to the stickers and takes students directly to AU’s Sexual Assault Resource website.
“Instead of trying to scribble everything down,” Rappaport said, “now they can use the QR code that will link them directly to the AU resources website.”