Joe Wisniewski, a junior in the School of Public Affairs, and Rory Slatko, a sophomore in SPA, started their two-year terms as advisory neighborhood commissioners on Jan. 9 at the first ANC meeting of the year.
ANCs advise the District government on a variety of issues that affect their local areas. These issues range from parking and traffic policies to zoning laws and police protection, according to the Advisory Neighborhood Commissions’ website.
Wisniewski was sworn into his new seat on the ANC on Jan. 2. He will represent area 3D10, which includes the Avalon, Berkshire and Greenbriar apartments, The Eagle previously reported.
Slatko was sworn into his seat on the ANC on Jan. 9 during a special ceremony, since he was unable to attend the regular ceremony over winter break. He will represent area 3D07, which covers AU’s Main Campus.