The Department of Public Safety released two videos Jan. 25 to prepare the AU community if there was ever a shooter on campus.
Public Safety urged students and faculty to accept that a shooting could happen on campus, according to the email.
“We can assume it won’t happen here and do nothing; or we can embrace the fact that preparedness and awareness are keys to helping protect our students, faculty, staff, visitors and ourselves should we have an active shooter on campus,” said Executive Director of University Safety Program Dan Nichols in the email to the AU community.
The first video, created by the Houston city government, and a more in-depth training video, produced by the Department of Homeland Security, advise viewers on how to act in case of a shooting. They tell viewers to run from the scene if possible or hide if running is not an option. The videos say fighting the shooter is the last resort.
Although the first video takes place at an office, the tips can be applied to any public space, according to the video.
The memo said that the recent school shootings in Newtown, Conn. and Blacksburg, Va. teach campuses to be prepared for such situations, according to the email.
“These events, as well as all too many others around the country, serve as poignant reminders that no one can be certain when or where such tragedies will occur,” Nichols said.