The Peace Corps named AU the No. 2 medium-sized university in producing volunteers on Feb. 5.
AU came up second behind Western Washington University, with 55 volunteers from AU currently enrolled in Peace Corps projects.
The jump to second moves AU up two places from third in 2011. The ranking shift leaves AU ahead of The George Washington University, who placed third with 53 volunteers this year.
“[The Peace Corps] appeals to people who are interested in other cultures and have a sense of adventure,” Peace Corps Acting Director Carrie Hessler-Radelet said in a conference call with reporters.
Many AU faculty members volunteer more than once with the Peace Corps and recognize the valuable skills gained from their service, she said.
“American University has always been a terrific partner … the credit really goes to the faculty, who are committed to a global focus and understanding,” Hessler-Radelet said.