The seventh season of "Doctor Who" returned March 30 with a tightly plotted episode titled "The Bells of Saint John," in which the Doctor (Matt Smith is the 11th incarnation) meets his newest companion Clara "Oswin" Oswald (Jenna Louise Coleman, "Captain America") while simultaneously finding clever ways to beat the universe's enemy alien forces (both on Earth and light-years away).
Since losing the Ponds, his previous companions, the Doctor has been more subdued, but Clara has revved him back into full swing again. Clara, at this point, has been seen three times: the first time as a Dalek (one of the most feared and dangerous races in the universe), then as a governess in Victorian times, and now, as a modern-day nanny.
Her befuddling existence begs the question: could she be the Doctor's first non-human companion since the 2005 reboot?
Through twists and fun, almost secretive, moments (such as a quick flash to a book written by Amelia Pond, the Doctor's previous companion), "Doctor Who" is back with all of the thrilling excitement and charm that enraptures its audience.
Later this year, BBC will air a "Doctor Who" 50th anniversary special, featuring previous stars such as the 10th Doctor (David Tennant) and Rose Tyler (Billie Piper), a coupling no true "Doctor Who" fan could bear to miss. The exact airdate is unknown but is expected to be in November.
"Doctor Who" airs on BBC America on Saturdays at 8 p.m. EST.