AU opened new lactation rooms this fall for nursing mothers who are students, faculty, staff and contract employees, as well as their spouses or domestic partners.
The new locations are, according to the website:
- Kay Spiritual Center, on the main level near the chapel
- Washington College of Law, room 209
- 4401 Connecticut Ave., room 476
The lactation room in 4401 Connecticut Ave. is not yet open, but will be open during normal business hours.
Hours of operation for each room can be found on the AU website.
Bender and Pence Libraries have had lactation rooms for a couple of years, according to Deadre Johnson, the director of employee relations at AU.
“Last academic year, the Family Work Life Balance Task Force—whose members include faculty and staff—looked for ways of better supporting working parents at the university,” Johnson said in an email.
Each room has seating, a table and electrical outlets, but nursing mothers must provide their own pump, according to the website.
As only one woman can use the room at a time, there is required registration before using the room, Johnson said in an email. Nursing mothers will need a key for the Kay Spiritual Life Center and the Bender Library locations, while the WCL location will have ID-controlled access.
To register, nursing women must contact the room manager of the lactation room they would like to use, which can be found on the website.
The University will be monitoring usage of lactation rooms to determine if more should be added, according to Johnson.
Since sections of the Connecticut Avenue building are under construction, it is unknown when the lactation room will open, Johnson said in an email.
“A room is being equipped for the 4th floor, but we do not have an exact open date yet.” Johnson said in an email. “We will communicate to the building occupants and the University community when it does open.”