Washington Post political journalist and editor of the publication’s “Wonkblog” Ezra Klein will speak at AU on Sept. 26.
The event, hosted by the Kennedy Political Union, will take place at 8 p.m. in the Mary Graydon Center University Club.
Klein’s presentation will give students an inside look into Congress’ relationship with the White House as well as many other “behind the scenes” aspects of Washington, according to a KPU press release.
The writer’s work in the field of journalism focuses on economic policymaking and the political system, according to the Washington Post website.
“Klein… is an ideal speaker for our dynamic campus community here in the out nation’s capital,” KPU Director Chandler Thornton said in a KPU press release.
Klein’s political blogs won him the title of “Blogger of the Year” in 2010, from The Week magazine and the Sidney Hillman foundation. The awards were in response to his coverage of the Affordable Care Act and the national healthcare debate, according to the Bloomberg View.
Outside of his experience with the Washington Post, Klein serves as a columnist for Bloomberg View. He previously served as a columnist at Newsweek and has appeared on the Rachel Maddow Show, The Colbert Report and many other politically based television shows, according to the Washington Post website and the Bloomberg View.