Correction appended
Student Government President Pat Kelly created the Student Activities Red Tape and Resolution Commission on Oct. 14 to investigate and evaluate Student Activities.
The group, made up of 10 students, will look into how Student Activities currently functions, how other similar institutions work in comparison and brainstorm possible solutions for the current problems. This includes investigating the turnaround time for financial requests and space requests, Kelly said.
The committee is comprised of students from the AU Club Council, Student Media Board, Student Government and AU greek life, Kelly said. The students were appointed based on recommendations by the professional staff of the Student Activities office, according to chief of staff and head of the committee Ray Bowman.
This committee will also look at the process for establishing clubs, and how to make it easier to do so, according to Bowman.
The group is expected to announce its results by December, according to the SG press release.
Student Activity fee to also be examined
SG is working to establish the Student Activities Leadership Commission, which will review the Student Activity fee. This $73.50 fee is paid by all full-time undergraduate students each semester to fund various clubs and organizations on campus, according to AU’s website.
Bowman, who will lead this commission, said he plans to have a proposal for Student Activities drafted by the end of the semester.
“They’ll be kind of two focused commissions,” Kelly said. “One on the money aspect, and how the student activities fee works, and one on how we can improve the student activities office.”
The proposed committee is currently being reviewed by the AUCC, the Student Media Board and the Undergraduate Senate.
Disclosure: The Eagle receives its funding from Student Activity fees.
Correction: A former version of this article stated students pay $73.50 a semester instead of the corrected each year for the Student Activities fee.