As college students, we are usually either hungry, tired, horny and/or stressed out. Under these
conditions, our decision making skills are often clouded – let’s be serious, you didn’t need that
cheesecake after your five course meal at TDR.
So you ask your parents, friends and RAs for advice, but there are just some times you may be
too embarrassed to ask someone you know certain questions. Other times, you just want an
unbiased party to give their input. And that’s why we’re here. We want to help other young
adults find their way through this crazy time called college.
Jalen is a junior, double major in Communication and Sociology. He has no patience for
stupidity, so he’s good at telling it like it is. His spirit animal is Beyoncé’s weave and his career
goal is to be a Real Housewife (Beverly Hills or Atlanta, naturally).
Grace is a sophomore, double major in Literature and Sociology. She is probably either
watching Weeds or screening her calls. The most played song on her iPod is “Nuthin’ But a G
Thang.” Her fears include feet and ketchup.
We’re no life coaches, but we’ve probably been in a lot of the same positions that you may be
lost in. From feelings of homesickness, to time management or even just reevaluating your
decisions from last weekend, we’ll get you through your trials and tribulations. Siri can’t give you
directions out of rock bottom, but we sure can.
You ask the questions by submitting a form anonymously for the protection of your identity (and
often dignity), we answer them, you take our advice and then you’ve got it together.
Submit a question to the advice columnists by filling out the form below. All submissions are