Former Texas Congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul spoke with students about advocating for liberty and the Libertarian party in Ward Circle Building on Nov. 14.
The Kennedy Political Union, AU College Republicans, Lambda Chi Alpha and The Young America’s Foundation sponsored the event.
Paul worked as an OB-GYN and served in the Air Force before entering politics. However, he never considered a career in politics until friends pushed him into it.
“I didn’t do much of politics at all [in college],” he said. “I didn’t like the idea of working in Congress, but people pestered me into it…even when I ran for president people pestered me to do that.”
Despite his initial reluctance, Paul feels his involvement in the political realm has helped to further advance the idea of personal liberty.
“I’m happy I did it,” he said. “People are talking about libertarianism in a way they hadn’t before.”
Paul said he finds himself already concerned with the integrity and knowledge of the government and its recent actions.
“A lot of the institutions in this government are made to deceive you,” he said. “Private investigators probably know more [about what happened during 9/11] than the government, which is sad.”