AU staff members can be dismissed if they break the tobacco- and smoke-free policy three times while faculty members have no risk of losing their job from violating newly-implemented rules.
According to Maralee Csellar, associate director of media relations and a member of the tobacco- and smoke-free communications sub-committee, staff members who are caught smoking on campus will receive:
● first an oral warning
● then two written warnings
● finally dismissal on the fourth offense
Staff members include part-time and full-time administrative assistants, clerical workers and technical employees, according to the University Staff Personnel Policies Manual. Executive and senior staff members such as an assistant provost are exempt from this enforcement policy.
A staff member caught smoking on campus has the same punishment as one who leaves work without permission or is repeatedly absent from their responsibilities.
Aramark staff and other contract workers are not AU employees, and their respective employers are responsible for their discipline process, according to Csellar. All contractors must follow University policies, Csellar said.
Staff disciplinary procedures are decided by Human Resources, and the faculty disciplinary procedures are decided by the Provost office, according to Csellar.
“The policy and enforcement is a project team effort and we consulted with various offices,” Csellar said in an email.
The University may terminate employment at any time for any reason, according to the University Staff Personnel Policies Manual.
Faculty members’ job security not at risk
All faculty members only receive a written warning if caught smoking outside the designated temporary smoking locations three times, according to Csellar.
However, the disciplinary protocol for adjunct professors could not be determined by The Eagle due to contract changes resulting from unionization.
Faculty members receive one oral warning and then written warnings for smoking on campus. These written warnings stay on their record during their employment at the University, and are sent to the faculty member’s dean, according to Csellar.
These violations do not result in suspension or dismissal from employment, according to the AU Faculty Manual.
Staff and faculty members are permitted to smoke on the sidewalks and streets bordering the University can be used by smokers because they are not AU property, according to the tobacco- and smoke-free policy website.