Columnist and author S.E. Cupp will speak at AU on Feb. 17 in an event sponsored by the Kennedy Political Union.
The event, titled “Conservatives and the Media,” will take place at 8 p.m. in the University Club in MGC.
Cupp has made her name in media as a conservative commentator and columnist. Cupp works as a consultant on HBO’s “The Newsroom,” a columnist for the New York Daily News and contributing editor at Townhall Magazine.
In addition to her work as a columnist and television commentator, Cupp wrote multiple books on the misconceptions associated with the political right, as well as the liberal media attack on christianity.
Most recently, Cupp published a column in the New York Daily News addressing the recent backlash against Chris Christie from the Democratic party. Cupp argued Democrats were overplaying their hand and even mentioned a potential backfiring of their actions.