Public Safety released its annual Fire Safety Report last month, revealing a major decrease in fire-related incidents on campus last year compared to the previous academic year.
The report, released Sept. 26, encompasses statistics from the 10 residence halls the school operated in 2015.
Only six fires were reported across campus last year, a drop from 13 in 2014 and 2013, according to the report. While most of the incidents from 2015 were unintentional food-related fires, the report notes an attempt of intentional arson in McDowell Hall, causing between $100 and $999 worth of damage.
The Berkshire Apartments on Massachusetts Avenue is considered to be an on-campus residential facility as of June 2016, so data on the building was not included in the report from 2015.
According to the report, amendments to the High Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) from 2008 require Title IV institutions to maintain a log, report fire statistics to the Secretary of Education, and publish an annual fire safety report. Failure to adhere to any of these standards can result in fines of up to $35,000 per violation.
There are no changes or improvements planned for AU’s Fire Safety program in the near future, but the Office of Risk, Safety, and Transportation Programs at AU said in the report that it is “committed to promoting fire safety in all American University Buildings.”