Hardcore Wonking: New class dedicated Miley Cyrus VMA performance
In a new satirical column, American Wonker describes AU’s newest class.
In a new satirical column, American Wonker describes AU’s newest class.
Getting it Together: Advice columnists Jalen and Grace take on relationships and school stress for this week’s column.
Columnist Andy Wallin calls for more intellectual debate and conversation regarding the anti-abortion side of the debate.
Getting it Together: advice columnists Jaylen and Grace offer suggestions for trying anal sex and how to solve roommate problems in this week’s column.
The Eagle’s new satirical columnist American Wonker takes a different look at issues concerning AU students.
After a 10-day trip across Southern India, columnist Alison Pease learned that sometimes you have to trust the process.
Columnist Andy Wallin explains what he learned from his backpacking experience throughout Jordan, the West Bank and Israel over the summer.
Columnist Marshall Bornemann discusses how the government shutdown will have lasting ramifications for AU students.
ON STANDS NOW: Columnist Sarah Harvard brings to light how many students feel that their right to free speech on campus has been ignored.
ON STANDS NOW: Columnist Derek Siegel dives into racial issues in Mexico and the U.S.
Columnist John Foti predicts that student loan debt will end up as financially detrimental to the the U.S. as the housing crisis.
Eagle columnist Alison Pease now understands the idea of going to college in a bubble after experiencing the sharp contrasts of Indian life.
Eagle columnist Julia Greenwald recounts her experience waiting for information about the well-being of her family and friends on the day of the Nairobi shooting.
Columnist Sarah Harvard argues that both paid and unpaid internships are great opportunities, and the push against unpaid internships needs to stop.
Eagle columnist John Foti warns Republicans of the consequences their fight to end Obamacare will have on the American people.
Columnist Andy Wallin discusses how our personal choices can either promote or prevent terrorism worldwide.
Eagle abroad columnist Caroline Handel realized real life problems continue even while studying abroad.
IMF head Christine Lagarde urges end to domestic political bickering in order to address larger international issues.
Abroad columnist Alison Pease writes on the struggle to adapt to Indian culture.
Abroad columnist Derek Siegel discusses how identities change when interacting with different cultures.