Opinion: AU should get involved in vaccination efforts when it can
The University can support students, faculty and staff by streamlining rollout
The University can support students, faculty and staff by streamlining rollout
AUSG must improve its outreach to be easily accessible to all students
El día internacional de la mujer, más que un día para celebrar, tiene que ser un día para pensar en el trabajo que tenemos que hacer
Money spent on stipends could be put to better use
The University should be doing more to help freshmen feel a part of the AU community
It is time to realize that America is more than the U.S. and question what it means to be American
Una reflexión sobre las clases en línea desde la perspectiva de estudiantes lejos de D.C.
Students in SIS employ harmful rhetoric toward international students from the very countries they study
Individual sustainability efforts should be vetted in favor of large-scale policy advocacy
Mack talks University’s slavery ties, research process and what’s left to discuss in racial conversations
Si realmente quieres ayudar, los viajes misioneros o voluntariados no son tu mejor opción
These are the steps the Counseling Center must take
The influx of financially-affluent white students entering D.C. could dilute its “chocolate city.”
Our student body needs to be more conscious of idol worship
To make change, we need to reconstitute our republic
Stop making learning platforms a one-size-fits-all model, whether online or not.
COVID-19 proves that public health requires education
Questions of tuition reduction and housing need to be taken seriously by University
In order to have a functioning democracy we need press coverage
Signs that you have an emotionally manipulative friend in your life