Students grapple with loss of housing, finding new living spaces
University and other students are working to make sure students have a place to live
University and other students are working to make sure students have a place to live
University has created a web page to track cases
Hundreds sign online petitions to give students a pass/fail option
Abroad, alt-break students describe their experiences of returning to the U.S.
Founder and CEO shares the inspiration behind his business
How The Eagle is tackling the ongoing pandemic
AU student tested positive for coronavirus while self-isolating on campus
Announcement on Thursday changes original plan to return to campus in April
AU track, lacrosse seasons cancelled
Decision comes after President Trump’s decision to suspend travel to Europe on Friday
Classes will resume March 18 online
Options include online classes and self-quarantine if situation worsens significantly
Students from China, South Korea, and Italy have been asked to leave
The University should be doing more to show support