AU begins Campus Plan construction
AU began construction near the president's office and Nebraska Hall this summer.
AU began construction near the president's office and Nebraska Hall this summer.
Two AU graduates got diplomas and wedding rings on the same weekend.
"As American University School of Public Affairs graduates walked across the stage to accept their diplomas, graduate Sarah Cooper got the surprise of a lifetime." – American University
American University's 126th Commencement in Washington, DC. Once an eagle, always an eagle! #graduation
University Librarian Bill Mayer will leave AU in June to work at the National Archives. He has worked at AU since 2007.
Public Safety warns of suspicious activity near campus
Updates on last-minute SG business before the semester ends.
Reduction of paper consumption in classes, administration and the library will make a big impact.
Aims to address an expanding student population and current lack of public transportation.
“We are changing and there is credible evidence that showcases this shift,” -Senator At-Large Joe Wisniewski
Spending on a lobbying firm saved money and time for AU's cleanup project over the long run.
The Student Snapshot of the AU Portal will begin showing more financial information in June.
Contract negatiations between AU and the union representing ajunct faculty members began on April 16.
Political battle between Obama, House Republicans intensifies with interest on student loans set to double on July 1.
The Coalition of American University Students hopes to give students the opportunity to advocate for themselves to the University, without Student Government.
The AU Career Center and Office of Information and Technology are working together to combat fraudulent emails like those sent last week.
Despite an increase in the overall payroll, the Student Government presidential stipend will not change for the next academic year.
Four members of Tau Kappa Epsilon have formally disaffiliated from the fraternity since last semester.
The former McDonald's location will remain empty until spring 2013 at the earliest.
Taking a closer look at the epidemic of sexual assault on America's college campuses.