AU launches social media initiative to little success
AU's associate director of enrollment marketing had a hunch a new Twitter initiative would fail before he'd even pushed it out the nest.
AU's associate director of enrollment marketing had a hunch a new Twitter initiative would fail before he'd even pushed it out the nest.
Higher prices will pay for better driver wages and the option for passengers to pay with credit cards, among other things.
AU Students have launched a 21st-century attack on the Federal ban on homosexual blood donations. They created a social media campaign that ranges from Youtube to the Huffington Post.
AU reduces greenhouse gas emissions by 120 cars' worth, wins 1st place in recycling contest amongst 266 colleges and universities.
AU students untouched by national Salmonella outbreak; wash your food and your hands to keep it that way.
Virus that takes advantage of out-of-date Java software has infected 50 Mac computers at AU.
AU's Sigma Alpha Mu chapter says it will be back on campus after it disproves allegations of hazing.
"Day of Silence" event marks AU students' continued efforts to make AU a more welcoming campus for LGBT students.
NASA plans to fly the retired shuttle Discovery over parts of D.C. to give residents a glimpse of the space explorer.
The contract between AU and Aramark is set to expire this summer, and questions of employee mistreatment surround conversation over whether to re-contract or sign on a new service provider.
AU SG Senator Adriana Ganci sponsored a bill to reduce AU's usage of bottled water. There will be an open meeting for students to give input on April 26th.
“Once AU students know [about fair trade], they seem to make the switch,” -SIS sophomore Ellie Yanagisawa
New Dean of the School of Communications has experience at the University of Denver and Microsoft, among other places, and is an author.
AU's soon-to-be Veterans Resource Center will increase GPA and retention of student veterans.
The AU community raised over $77,000 at the fourth annual "Relay for Life" event over the weekend.
Starting April 21, the charge per mile for D.C. taxicabs will increase from $1.50 to $2.16.
On the evenings of Wednesday April 4 and Friday April 13, malicious burnings occurred in the McDowell and Congressional Halls. Both incidents were subsequently reported to the Department of Public Safety.
Former presidential candidate Jon Huntsman will speak in the University Center at 8:15 p.m. on April 18.
The AU community marched across campus on April 9 to protest sexual assault in Women's Initiative annual "Take Back the Night."
Innovative collaboration between SOC and The Washington Post writes the stories about minority communities that traditionally go un-reported.